Valley Of The Moon Scottish Fiddling School

Covid Policy

Details for 2025 will be released soon!

Valley of the Moon 2024 Covid Policy

Our Covid policy for Valley of the Moon may change as we take into account current scientific and public health guidance approaching the start of camp. We will send notice of any changes by email.


Safety for All:

Activities will be held outdoors (covered outdoor locations with good ventilation) whenever possible, and attendance at camp may be reduced from previous years to allow for more social distancing. Our protocol meets or exceeds current CDC, CA State Department of Health, and local Nevada County guidelines and is subject to revision based on changes in those guidelines. If you develop symptoms of Covid (even mild) or if you come in contact with someone who is Covid-positive within 10 days from the start of camp, please don’t attend without testing immediately before you leave for camp AND at arrival.


Though we encourage individuals to complete the recommended vaccination series, including the newest booster, we will not require campers or instructors to be vaccinated.


Testing will be required upon arrival to camp, and will be supervised. We will also require testing of everyone on the Tuesday of camp. Please bring your own test kits to use for these tests. Testing will also be required for any camper who develops symptoms likely to indicate COVID infection, and camp will provide test kits for that.

We encourage all those traveling from a distance to camp to self-test before they get in the car or on the plane, so as not to be surprised by a positive test on arrival at camp (and be required to leave).

Anyone who tests positive will be required to leave camp and will receive a full refund of all fees paid. Minors whose guardian(s) are not allowed to stay in camp will also need to leave unless a new guardian can be found who is staying in camp.


Masking will not be required at any time this year, but masking is strongly encouraged any time distancing from others cannot be maintained. Please provide your own masks, and we ask that you respect others’ choices regarding their own masking.

During Camp:

We will not be monitoring for fever or symptoms during camp, but if you do develop any, we ask you to consider your community and report to the camp medic(s), and we will ask you to undergo an additional test.

Housing at Camp:

Since Camp Campbell has NO rooms that accommodate just one or two campers, we ask you to begin contemplating your housing preferences as soon as possible: Are there others attending camp with whom you can form a “pod” (safe housing unit)? We will ask for any information you have on a “pod” on the initial application and again when the balance of fees is due (May 1 “return form”), to enable us to assign housing.

Covid Cancelation Policy:

Requests for refund of all fees paid due to Covid exposure or Covid-related concerns will be honored.

Please be flexible! We trust our caring VOM community to find the right balance of caution and fun within these parameters, to make safe decisions, and to treat fellow campers with respect.